Pharmaceutical Packaging
Our cleanroom wall and ceiling systems are designed to integrate with operative research equipment. The modular labs provide an effective alternative to conventional construction by reducing costs, mess, and time delays. They are easily modified or moved to expand with your facility needs.

FRP, PVC, Aluminum, Steel & More
PortaFab walls are available in a wide range of finishes including fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP), PVC, epoxy painted aluminum, and stainless steel. The durable walls and ceilings help provide an impervious surface for cleaning and disinfection. Other characteristics include:

Rigid construction
These walls can withstand damage from personnel use, equipment, and cleaning and disinfection agents.

Cleanable surfaces
These easily cleanable surfaces ensure that your products are free of dirt and contaminants.

Automatic Sliding Doors
Accommodates moving large equipment and materials in and out of the controlled environment
The modular nature of PortaFab's Cleanrooms and Labs ensures that enclosure layouts can be reconfigured and moved with no loss of materials investment. The modular components assemble in a fraction of the time needed for conventional construction and these structures often qualify as capital equipment, enabling accelerated depreciation over traditional construction.

Case Studies

Case in Point #1
Wilson-Cook Medical manufactures a variety of medical devices and is one of the leading makers of endoscopic accessories for use in gastrointestinal medical procedures. The benefits provided:
- Capability to achieve cleanliness and air quality standards
- Flexibility to relocate
- Minimal disruption and speed of construction

Case in Point #2
T.O. Plastics is a plastic extruding company that has been designing and manufacturing quality thermoformed products and packaging for the medical, industrial, consumer, food, electronics and horticulture industries for over 60 years. The benefits provided:
- High-rate of cleanability
- Recirculating air flow to meet ISO standards
- Pass-through chamber to maintain cleanroom integrity