PortaFab's Modular Cleanroom Systems are an excellent choice for building vivarium labs and animal housing. PortaFab's pre-engineered Cleanroom components are customized to meet your specific needs, integrate with research equipment cages, and offer a superior alternative to conventional construction. Pre-engineered modular laboratory solutions significantly reduce costs, minimize mess, and eliminate time delays common with traditional methods. Additionally, PortaFab’s modular labs provide unmatched flexibility, allowing for easy modifications or relocations to adapt to a facility's evolving requirements.
Easily Cleaned & Disinfected
PortaFab's Cleanroom wall panels are available in finishes like FRP, epoxy painted aluminum, and stainless steel. These durable panels provide an impervious surface for cleaning and disinfection. Additional benefits include:
- Rigid Construction: Designed to withstand damage from personnel, equipment, and cleaning/disinfection agents.
- Cleanable Surfaces: Surfaces are engineered to be easily cleaned.
- Speed of Installation: Wall panels can be installed quickly, which allows for efficient assembly and minimal on-site construction time.

Controlled Environments for Specific Research Needs
PortaFab's animal housing labs and vivariums are designed to create optimal environments tailored to the specific needs of various research activities.
Features include:
- Environmental Control: Maintain precise temperature, humidity, and air quality to meet the stringent standards required for animal research.
- Noise Reduction: Utilize materials and design techniques to minimize noise, ensuring a stress-free environment for the animals.
- Quarantine Areas: Designated spaces for quarantining new arrivals or sick animals, preventing the spread of disease and ensuring overall colony health.
- Secure Enclosures: Secure locking systems ensure the safety and security of the animals and research data.

Key advantages include:
- Quick Installation: Modular components enable rapid assembly, reducing downtime and accelerating project completion.
- Adaptability: Easily reconfigure or expand your facilities as your research needs evolve.
- Cost-Effective: Lower initial construction costs and reduced operational expenses through energy-efficient designs and materials.

Custom Design Services
PortaFab offers custom design services to ensure that your animal housing labs and vivariums meet all of your specific requirements. Our experienced team works closely with you to develop solutions tailored to your unique research needs. For more information on how PortaFab can assist with your animal housing and vivarium needs, contact us.
- Consultation: Work with PortaFab to plan and design a facility that meets your precise specifications.
- Design and Engineering: Benefit from PortaFab's extensive experience in designing laboratories and research facilities.
- Turnkey Solutions: From initial concept to final installation, PortaFab provides comprehensive support to ensure your project’s success.