Whether you need a basic parking attendant booth, something for your valet parking staff, or are designing an elaborate toll booth plaza, PortaFab has the solution for you.
Standard Parking Attendant Booth
PortaFab’s smaller booths feature sliding doors and sliding windows making them ideal for housing the attendants that collect tolls for parking garages and parking lots.

Standard Features
All-welded, all-aluminum construction
360-degree visibility with safety glass windows
Integrated climate control systems
Electrical and lighting equipped
Heavy-duty, steel, sliding or swing doors
Multiple roof styles
19 Standard Sizes
From 3' x 4' to 8' x 20'
PortaFab standard booths range from 3’ x 4’ to 8’ x 20’ as one-piece units. Custom sizes are also available. Larger sizes may require a two-piece design requiring some onsite construction.