Providing employees with an on-site place to smoke within a facility keeps smoke break time to a minimum.

Smoking Booths
Smoking booths are often similar to break rooms because by building a dedicated smoking facility within the plant, workers can stay closer to the operations area during break times.
Smoking booths can often also be found in areas such as airports, bus terminals and other public places to confine smokers in otherwise smoke free zones.

Smoking Shelters
Our outdoor smoking shelters keep employees close to work stations or production lines and reduce down time. The prefabricated units are shipped fully assembled (or knocked down) ready to install at the job site.
Additional Options
19 Standard Sizes
From 3' x 4' to 8' x 20'
PortaFab standard booths range from 3’ x 4’ to 8’ x 20’ as one-piece units. Custom sizes are also available. Larger sizes may require a two-piece design requiring some onsite construction.