With the industry’s most complete line of architectural modular cleanroom components, PortaFab provides unlimited design freedom without sacrificing functionality or value. The PortaFab line includes 3 distinct product lines with numerous components to ensure that you have the right products for your cleanroom application. Various components of each wall system integrate with each other as well as a selection of windows, ceiling systems, and doors.

Cleanroom Wall Panels
PortaFab offers the widest variety of cleanroom wall panels in the industry. Our design and engineering teams can work with you to specify the best wall panels for your application or we can utilize our in-house manufacturing capabilities to custom build wall panels for your specific requirements.

Cleanroom Ceilings
PortaFab offers 3 unique cleanroom ceiling systems including our economical 1-1/2" gasket grid, our heavy-duty 2" gasket grid, and the flush and walkable PharmaCeiling. Standard clean room ceiling panels are constructed of 1/4" aluminum honeycomb with painted surfaces.

Cleanroom Windows
PortaFab manufactures a number of standard window units that integrate seamlessly with its modular wall and ceiling systems. Windows can also be integrated into return air walls to minimize any air flow disruption.

Cleanroom Doors
All PortaFab wall systems can be configured to accommodate a wide variety of doors. Standard steel and aluminum doors integrate seamlessly into door frames. Other common options include sliding doors and high speed roll up doors, but door and hardware options are essentially limitless.

Radius coving is used to create fully flush corner transitions and seamless wall-to-ceiling and wall-to-floor connections. By eliminating corners, the radius coving system allows for total "cleanability." Wall-to-wall and wall-to-ceiling junctions can be trimmed with coving that features a large 3" radius. The 2-piece cove can be mounted to either wall or ceiling surfaces.

Fan Filter Units
Various fan filter units can be incorporated into PortaFab cleanrooms depending on your exact specifications.

Pass Through Chambers
Pass through chambers minimize entry of contaminants (into the cleanroom) by providing a means for pick-up and delivery of products and supplies without personnel entry. Productivity is increased because (clean room) workers remain clean and on the job while delivery personnel and contaminants remain outside.

Cleanroom Air Showers
Air showers and air shower tunnels for both personnel and carts integrate easily into PortaFab wall systems.