Multiple Roofing Options
PortaFab's preassembled booths and guard booths can be outfitted with a variety of roofing options to accommodate a wide variety of applications.

Integral Roof
A factory-installed integral roof consisting of 5/8” board with vapor barrier on the exterior surface.
- 3” Overhang
- Aluminum gutters around entire building perimeter with pre-drilled hole for drainage
- Optional downspouts

Knockdown (K-D) Roof
An exterior, overhanging roof shipped “Knocked Down” to be installed on site.
- Maximum 24” overhang without support
- Larger overhangs possible with support columns
- Extruded aluminum fascia and gutter trim
- Optional downspouts
Gutters are standard on both buildings. The Integral roof will come with a pre-drilled hole for drainage. The K D Roof will require the hole to be drilled in the field. Downspouts are an option and will ship loose to be installed in the field.

Integral Roof System
Installed at the factory with a 3” overhang.

K D Roof System
Ships knocked down to be installed on site. The KD Roof System has a 24” overhang maximum. Larger overhangs are possible put will require columns.

Indoor Roof System
For booths that will only be used in an indoor environment, we offer a cost effective, integrated wood covering that serves as a basic cover for the building.
Overhang Options
The PortaFab K-D Roof System can be configured in a variety of manners to accommodate your specific application.

Standard Overhang
The standard overhang roof option extends up to a maximum 24” on each side of the booth.

Extra Overhang
Overhangs that extend beyond 24” are possible, but typically require the use of support columns.

One-Sided Overhang
Booths can also be outfitted with roofs that overhang on only one side.