Forklift & Crane Options for Portability
For guard shacks that will need to be moved on a regular/semi-regular basis, PortaFab's preassembled booths offer options to accommodate both forklifts and cranes.
Relocate with Lifting Rings
Lifting or hoist rings can be integrated into our portable guard booths to allow for overhead lifting by a crane. Eyelets are mounted through structural angle designed to give the booth added structural support.
Relocate with Forklift Pockets
All guard booths are built using 4” tall angle frame that can have slots installed to accommodate the forks of a standard lift truck. Depending on the building size, fork extensions may be required to safely relocate the booth.

Our Portable Booths & Shacks
The "Go-Anywhere" Office
By making your booth "forkliftable," you can essentially create a portable guard shack that can go virtually anywhere - indoors or out.
Sizes for Any Application
PortaFab offers portable guard booths in 19 standard sizes that range from 3' x 4' to 8' x 16' with a choice of three roof styles.

Case in Point

Portable Booth for Refrigerated Warehouse
Due to the low temperature environment and the need to easily relocate the buildings our distributor suggested a PortaFab preassembled booth instead of one of our typical Quick-Ship modular buildings. The portable booth was outfitted with quick disconnects to the breaker box and forklift pockets so that it could be relocated quickly and easily. We also constructed it with additional insulation, insulated glass windows and a baseboard heater to keep it warm in the refrigerated warehouse.