A cultivation facility, having recently acquired its permit for processing medical cannabis, was looking to get its cultivation facility set up quickly and maximize its limited floor space. The company had already leased its existing space, which was narrow, but tall, allowing them to rack vertically.
Project Overview
Application: Cannabis Cultivation Facility
- Series 300 aluminum framing system
- Inuslated wall panels
Benefits Provided:
- Fast and clean installation that resulted in faster permit and license obtainment
- Load-bearing structural system that allowed for high bays with an integrated racking / growing system
The Evaluation
The cleanroom enclosure would require multiple rooms, including a Mother Room, Clone Room, and Flower Room. Strict environmental control over the temperature and humidity levels would be needed to maintain ideal conditions for harvesting. Flowering rooms were outfitted with sliding doors to ease the transfer of finished product from the room. Additional hardware including push button entries or motion sensors could be added to further ease transfer of product.

The Solution
PortaFab specified its Series 300 wall system which offered superior structural support with load-bearing capabilities. Its aluminum framework was also ideal for the environment due to its non-corrosive nature. A 16 foot wall height allowed Mother & Clone to take full advantage of the vertical space available, incorporate high bay lighting, and an integrated racking system.
PortaFab’s pre-engineered, modular components could be quickly assembled, which reduced the amount of engineering and architectural design time required. This was a crucial factor in deciding to partner with PortaFab for the build as Mother & Clone faced pressure to get construction completed and building permits secured before they could receive their cultivation license.
The non-progressive construction of Mother & Clone’s cultivation rooms will make it quick and easy to expand, modify, or move finished units as the facility grows.

"Pre-engineered construction and fixed installation time were the two biggest factors for us in working with PortaFab. Construction was complete in two weeks. The crew worked non-stop, nobody was ever sitting around waiting on materials, and we didn’t have to call for structural inspections to slow things down. Plus, the entire structure is a depreciable asset, so you can write of the cost of your building in half the time you would otherwise, which is an enormous benefit given the current tax implications of working in the cannabis industry. Cleanroom design was the other big factor. The rooms have very high insulation value which improves cooling efficiency, and they are tightly sealed which improves humidity control and prevents cross contamination. This also allows us to deal with pollen without fear of seeding out one of our flower rooms."
- Mother & Clone